Theatre performances near Alfreton, Derbyshire
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List them for free with Ents24 BackstageJimmy Cricket's Big Show
Wed 8 OctMansfield Palace TheatreHMS Pinafore
Thu 4 SepNewstead Abbey Historic House & ParkPride & Prejudice
Sun 17 AugNewstead Abbey Historic House & ParkA Midsummer Night's Dream
Tue 29 JulNewstead Abbey Historic House & ParkSteve Steinman's Eternal Love - The...
From Fri 28 MarMansfield Palace TheatreA Shoddy Detective And The Art Of...
Tue 13 MayMansfield Palace TheatreThat's so 90's
Fri 12 SepThe DiamondLearning Disability Scratch Theatre Day
Thu 10 JulThe Old LibraryMatlock Storytelling Cafe - The World...
Fri 4 AprThe Imperial Rooms