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- Huddersfield, Smile Bar & VenueOasis 96 Scam Fender (Sam Fender Tribute), The Kopycat Killers, Subarctic Monkeys
- Swindon, MECAThe Kopycat Killers Subarctic Monkeys, Scam Fender (Sam Fender Tribute), Oasis 96
- Bristol, Motion & The Marble FactoryThe Kopycat Killers Subarctic Monkeys, Scam Fender (Sam Fender Tribute)
- Northampton, RoadmenderThe Kopycat Killers, Subarctic Monkeys, Scam Fender (Sam Fender Tribute)
- Manchester, New Century HallOasis 96 Scam Fender (Sam Fender Tribute), The Kopycat Killers, Subarctic Monkeys
- Manchester, New Century HallThe Kopycat Killers Scam Fender (Sam Fender Tribute), Subarctic Monkeys, Oasis 96
- XOYO BirminghamINDIEPALOOZA The Kopycat Killers, Subarctic Monkeys, Scam Fender (Sam Fender Tribute)