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Past Events
Here are the most recent UK tour dates we had listed for The Glitter Band. Were you there?
February 2012
- London, Bull & GateCats And Cats And Cats, A Genuine Freakshow
January 2012
- Reading, Plug n PlayTall Ships, A Genuine Freakshow
December 2011
- London, Madam JoJosWhite Hinterland, A Genuine Freakshow, Dead Sons
November 2011
- Reading, South Street Arts CentreA Genuine Freakshow
October 2011
- Leicester, Lock 42A Genuine Freakshow
- Swindon, The Vic360, A Genuine Freakshow, Stokes William
- London, 229A Genuine Freakshow, My First Tooth, Dubious Caesar
September 2011
- Bristol, The LouisianaDry The River, A Genuine Freakshow, Worship (1), Little Victories (Previously Farthing Wood) Dry the River
- →Cambridge, LodeStar Festival SiteLodestar Festival 2011 CSS, Cage The Elephant, IVienna, Kelli-Leigh, The Violet Bones…
- →Cambridge, LodeStar Festival SiteLodestar Festival 2011 CSS, Cage The Elephant, IVienna, Kelli-Leigh, The Violet Bones…