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Past Events
Here are the most recent UK tour dates we had listed for Never Forget - The Musical. Were you there?
December 2009
- Milton Keynes, The StablesPaul Barrere & Fred Tackett
- Bristol BeaconPaul Barrere & Fred Tackett, Phil Beer
- London, Orange YardPaul Barrere & Fred Tackett
- Manchester, Band On The WallPaul Barrere & Fred Tackett
- Leicester, The MusicianPaul Barrere & Fred Tackett, Julian Dawson
November 2009
- St Andrews, The Inn at LathonesPaul Barrere & Fred Tackett
December 2008
- Brighton, KomediaPaul Barrere & Fred Tackett
- Portsmouth, The CellarsPaul Barrere & Fred Tackett, Phil Beer
- Bristol, TheklaPaul Barrere & Fred Tackett
- Stamford Arts CentrePaul Barrere & Fred Tackett
rated excellent
Never Forget - The Musical image © Never Forget