![Motown - The Musical](https://ents24.imgix.net/image/000/203/071/735b9a9870c1a2473475d1264d4a0583ef7ddf85.jpg?auto=format&crop=faces&w=600&h=350&q=50)
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Past Events
Here are the most recent UK tour dates we had listed for Motown - The Musical. Were you there?
December 2019
- →New Theatre OxfordMotown - The Musical
November 2019
- →Sheffield, Lyceum TheatreMotown - The Musical
October 2019
- →Glasgow, Kings TheatreMotown - The Musical
- →Sunderland EmpireMotown - The Musical
- →Southampton, Mayflower TheatreMotown - The Musical
September 2019
- →Liverpool Empire TheatreMotown - The Musical
- →Canterbury, Marlowe TheatreMotown - The Musical (Touring)
August 2019
- →Blackpool Winter GardensMotown - The Musical (Touring)
- →Woking, New Victoria TheatreMotown - The Musical (Touring)
- →Plymouth, Theatre RoyalMotown - The Musical (Touring)
![Invisible image for statistics](/spacer//artist/211312/TW90b3duK1RoZStNdXNpY2Fs/Tm90IFNldA==/MA==/1f73/space.gif?cb=0.4623931456699337)