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Hilarity Bites bring the best of the comedy circuit to the North-East.
Please note that the artists appearing may be subject to change.
Philip Simon
Never less than hilarious with great one liners and impressive timing and that feel-good factor that washes over the audience' - Derek Smith The Stage.
See Philip Simon tour dates
Danny Deegan
Razor sharp Mancunian with a shed load of brutally funny anecdotes about his much put-upon friend 'Rudgie'. Plus wicked witticisms that belie his fresh-faced boy band demeanour. Not even bovver boys 'Five' got this near-to-the-knuckle. Runner-up in the City Life Comedian of the year 2003 and fresh from a sold-out, critically acclaimed solo show at the Manchester Comedy Festival. 'His seamless interactions with the crowd demonstrate that he's a natural-born comedian... appealing to both the young and old, female and male' (Three Weeks).
See Danny Deegan tour dates
Also Appearing
Mike Wardley
Steam Machine Brewing Company
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on Thu 17 April 2025