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One of the UK's top psychic mediums!
Grant Harris will perform a night of psychic mediumship at the Empress Building this summer, so why not give something a little unusual a try and experience a psychic night!
Grant has the ability to captivate audiences with his unparalleled talent for spiritually relating to people, as well as his witty sense of humour and captivating stage presence.
Grant is swiftly moving to the top of the list of psychic mediums in the UK with more than 20,000 Facebook followers and only five-star reviews.
It is pretty fascinating to see the precise messages he receives from entities.
Make sure you buy your ticket so you won't miss out. Don't skip this event while he's in town! Because the majority of Grant Harris events sell out, we recommend purchasing your tickets during the early bird specials.
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on Thu 3 April 2025