Sleeve Heart by Eleanor May Blackburn - Poetry Book
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Eleanor is a neurodivergent, disabled, queer actor/writer/theatre-maker/poet from Sheffield. She had her first Chapbook ‘Ghost and Found’ published by Cerasus Poetry in 2021 but this is her first full length collection of poetry, published by Stairwell Books. Eleanor is a supported artist for Sheffield Theatres and has created 2 autobiographical solo shows: Subdural Hematoma and Does My Fanny Look Big in This?
Her collection Sleeve Heart is the musings and growing ups of a young adult who doesn’t quite feel like a grownup. Yet. Through her breaking, boredom, travelling and loving she discovers she absolutely wears her heart upon her sleeve and her poems fall impulsively, but always lovingly, off the tip of her tongue. She is confused by the way some people treat her, but don’t pity her: she never stays in one place for too long so she can’t stay sad and she never gets bored- there is always more to be done. Her greatest love story might surprise you, but it shouldn’t.
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